James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

My MapMyWalk Exercising App is more than just for health of me -- it is health of community.
2 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 12:16 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>

I'm walking with MapMyWalk. Track me at http://mapmywalk.com/profile/gruwup/live

I am yelling at my mother that I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS CASE BEING DROPPED if the DA does not pursue me after the true grit is known about what this case is about.....  I will have to edit my post text because this post on facebook was a later followup after I got home from my long walk.... wow....


This is being reminded on Facebook that posted 4 years ago this day.... this was posted to my preparation of technology success recorded my walk events but community failing for something of not listening to me and the true issues. --- a followup to a walk promise--- I walked from Oakland to Big Sur in September 2013 but no one paid any attention to me. It was placed to the journal at a domain that I have allowed the domain registration to expire.  A Long Walk Of Beauty dot US

This is my current comment of today 2018:  Links not yet validated -- they were hand typed.  This post needs a bit of time line truth --- this post on Facebook mapmywalklive was AFTER my WALK but Ihave one similarly prior to my walk 5 years ago.  WHEN WILL THE COMMUNITY BEGIN TO LISTEN ---- REALLY LISTEN TO IT'S COMMUNITY MEMBERS instead of directing hate at me?  

[ 90% Reduction Rates in HIV AIDS CASES in decriminalization -- that is the answer you all mother fucking assholes who have allowed hate to win ]

If you are easily offended by the use of the FUCK Word, watch this video:
[   ] MeaningOfTheWordFuckYouTube360p.mp4                                                       16-Aug-2016 11:11  3.4M
Filed in the folder of #Kramobone-The.Good the original script on the web having memetic replication by leaders of communities everywhere across the globe. Now that justifies the yelling at my mother for also not listening to the double indemnified self-evident record of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. [ Facebook post will be amended to reflect that slight timeline adjustment in a edit ]


[ http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ] <-- Active Today 4 Years Later

So typical that no one pays attention to those who have no money in our society even though following through --- I was preparing for a long walk -- walk training began in June of 2013 for a September 2013 departure to walk from Oakland to San Bernardino CA. So in February is when I installed the technology tool and it was this day in February 4 years ago I prepared for --- but no one gave a flying fuck to listen to an Addictus when I am not addicted to anything but common rational thinking sense. I registered http://alongwalkofbeauty.us which no one paid any attention to and now that is found registered at: http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ---- when when when will they begin to listen to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the philosophy of addiction. Why is there a TED TALK on the subject --- PEOPLE ARE DYING NEEDLESSLY to back special interest irrational hate based collectives in charge of the Ryan White Care Act policy implementation. Shameful this country is to set forth an 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me instead of accepting they were wrong and move into reconciliation. 4 years ago I started a journey to walk home in protest of events happening in Oakland. That walk serves nothing. I want my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY CHANGED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE HATERS TO REMAIN GOING BERSERK RUN-A-MUCK --- and the good doing people in the world DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE [ DEAD ! ] are these issues of necessity. Lets try decriminalization in drugs for a change where the evidence in Portugal shows a 90% [ that is spelled out N I N E X 10 ] reduction rate in new HIV INFECTION cases in the IV Drug communities and 17% decline overall in new HIV cases across the board. I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the absolute real up human #Kramobone-The.Good truth. There is something so damn fucked up human fishy going wrong here in the United States Of America. Will anyone care to give a flying fuck?.


This is the URL to the current update --- why bother paying any attention to better health.  BTW -- I have my entire LUCY RECORD SUMMARY online public from DENVER COLORADO.  This where this walk benefits my health but individually this hate and harassment campaign resulting to eviction will kill my better health outcome. 

[   ] HealthSummary20170817.zip                                                                          17-Aug-2017 10:51  9.8M  
That is posted at the following full url:


LAWSUITS PENDING AFTER MY DEATH for sure.... my family can follow that up.

James M Driskill shared a memory.



Shameful to rely on person of ill repute integrity Doctorate In a Doctor's Office here in San Bernardino to the truth.

They are the prevaricators still in the darkness and I am not sitting down and shutting the fuck up in this darkness of deceit.

 I promise you.   I will not shut up.

My attitude is directed at this extreme insolence of my Doctor's office to allow this filing to even proceed as though they were going to get away with this. I am prepared for a legal fight because my story is online.  BULLSHIT they use this matter that I DIRECTED TO  THE FBI to file a complaint with the SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY DA's OFFICE.   BULL SHIT!

Let's PROCEED to determine health status AFTER I AM DEAD and the cause when I know it is homelessness that will kill me..  Being Addictus when addiction is not the issue is also the issue of address is intractable conflict. WOW if anyone is going to defend me, you better step up to the plate and make it quick to the point of a PROMISE held OUTSIDE of CONFIDENCE "TRUST BINDING" for I know the life and wellness statistics and the circumstance and dire and grave leaving the status quo in place.  I can prove it.

Name of the audio file for this is ProvingIt-BigBalls.mp3 but I will just leave it the written word will be great.  The audio file is so that my mother can be shared my writing --- and lessen her worry when she is extremely upset in worry.  This is effecting the health outcomes of an entire family by delay.   REPLY

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 1:21 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>

My update to facebook posting stands corrected:

ames M Driskill shared a memory.

[ http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ] <-- Active Today 4 Years Later

So typical that no one pays attention to those who have no money in our society even though following through --- I was preparing for a long walk all of the way back 5 years prior to June of 2013. That is when actual training begins on June 1st of 2013 for a September 3rd 2013 original planed departure date to long walk from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA.

So in February 2014, I have already had the app installed on my device since I actaully used the app during my long walk. I installed the technology tool and used the upgrade premium of mapmywalk for a period of a year so that I could use the live feature. This was registered for live use in July of 2013.

I was preparing for an over 500 mile long walk --- a long walk aids hiv walk actually. Already in journal was living in a tent with hiv.

Fwd: Can You Be Trusted? - Google Groups : February 6th 10

Contains this quote url expanded here [ http://livinginatentwithhiv.blogspot.com/ ]

Once all of these have been satified, I will remove my blog postings [ Living in a tent with HIV ] with a letter of graitude for
finally being REAL UP HUMAN and GRUW UP afterall.
Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.

------------------ Back to 2018 ------


No one gave a flying fuck to listen to an Addictus
when I am not addicted to anything but common rational thinking sense.

I registered http://alongwalkofbeauty.us which no one paid any attention to and now that is found registered at: http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ---- when when when will they begin to listen to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the philosophy of addiction. Why is there a TED TALK on the subject --- PEOPLE ARE DYING NEEDLESSLY to back special interest irrational hate based collectives in charge of the Ryan White Care Act policy implementation. Shameful this country is to set forth an 11 month hate and hassassment campaign against me instead of accepting they were wrong and move into reconcillation. 4 years ago I started a journey to walk home in protest of events happening in Oakland. That walk serves nothing. I want my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY CHANGED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE HATERS TO REMAIN GOING BERSERK RUN-A-MUCK --- and the good doing people in the world DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE [ DEAD ! ] are these issues of necessity. Lets try decriminalization in drugs for a change where the evidence in Portugal shows a 90% [ that is spelled out N I N E X 10 ] reduction rate in new HIV INFECTION cases in the IV Drug communities and 17% decline overall in new hiv cases across the board. I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the absolute real up human #Kramobone-The.Good truth. There is something so damn fucked up human fishy going wrong here in the United States Of America. Will anyone care to give a flying fuck?.

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

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