James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Trust-Binding : What does that mean? It means a new standards in ideals and philosophy - the complexity of this case shall not be dismissed. I ask for legal representation to call witnessness involved in hate harassment and bias found in my case management. We need a sit down meeting -- how can you represent the case if you have not yet read my emails complete?
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 1:17 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: enable@un.org
Bcc: [ Omitted Here ];

[ This  writing is considered a science white-paper of real time working model example of an information society trust binding-- it is copyright InTheMindway 2018 and All Rights Reserved. ]

Note: This Email has a BCC:


This case matter of San Bernardino County DA Vs. James Martin Driskill in Criminal Complaint Against James Martin Driskill with a defense of "legal necessity" is complex. 


I expect that complexity that Pope Francis calls to our nation and congress to be respected as well.  We can listen to him and allow peace to build or we can ignore him and allow the haters to win.

.  But I do believe my arguments are "legally binding" to place my rights as a person with disabilities first-most on this case. Those words of priority are legally binding to your responsibility in this representation.  Everyone seems to think they are acting as untouchables in reference to this legally binding world wide order of laws and designs for a better world.

I am the one trying to follow those ideals to their enforcement extremes.  Will you break that trust or not in this case to present the complexity of this case to the jury and represent the trustfulness of "morals" involving the binding knots present that are being held here in cyberspace in a trust-binding complete that you really know I have it --- logically spelled out for you.

I want a sit down meeting with you to the strategy

noun: strategy; plural noun: strategies
  1. a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
    "time to develop a coherent economic strategy"
    synonyms:master plan, grand design, game plan, plan (of action), action plan, policy, program; More

The goal here is not my preservation from keeping me out of punishment [ whatever that is even jail time ] for something of actions that are called upon by Pope Francis.  A call in an 180 degree redirection. 

One of many that I am seeking that goal point formation of logic and sound solid society wise directive scholarly advises.  Will you represent the world view hard way complexity or mark this off as a case of crazy me?

 I am doing the work of a peace builder.  And your participation in peace building is a required dynamic of a trust binding.  There is no opt-out option available.

Wisdom Knot

"wisdom binding" : Pope Francis Call To Congress

"The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience. " 
- Pope Francis Call To Congress Sept 2014

Lets proceed to ignore that wisdom and jury rig this trial against me.

OR TURN that 180 degree change of direction to this binding presence is real to the world.

http://jonathan-arellano-jackson.gruwup.net/Resources/Adinkra.Symbols/Nyansapo-Wisdom.Knot.htm  [ Racial Impartiality Sense Wiseness Binding ]



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Now to recombine memetically [  recombinant memetics :

11 Emerging Scientific Fields That Everyone Should Know About

] add a new aspect of binding to this in real time space by name reference alone.... No special tools. 

The #Kramobone within your trust-binding folder.   My rights to have equal participation rule of law and order must be enforced per the United Nations Enable page.

(c) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society

A Warning is about to appear in this writing against you for deception. You have current status as being of wisdom wise greatness.  I expect that to not change.  Open your Eyes before it is too late.


Icon Name                                                                                                                    Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] Book-Know-&-Be-Your-True-Self/ 10-Feb-2018 01:48 - [IMG] Nyansapo-Wisdom.Knot - Open Your Eyes.png 16-Feb-2018 13:25 20K [IMG] OfficerOfTheCourt-PublicDefender-BusinessCard [ #Kramobone-The.Good ] [ TRUST-BINDING ].jpg 10-Feb-2018 02:22 407K

Inline image 3

You are now bound to the #Kramobone - which you have been binded to for a matter of several days since the first day I met you in court appearance summons to represent me as my defense attorney in my case..

The Kramobone means, One Bad Makes All Look Bad or the Bad Makes it Difficult for the Good To Be Noticed.  It is a warning against deception and hypocrisy. A Warning here is a binding warning.  You are bound to this Kramobone presence for this case and perhaps for all time human history. 

You are representing a peace builder who has the tools of creation to create a trust-binding in cyber object form as it has been done manually in this writing research white paper.  This writing will be placed to the web for search index finding to its contents.

Your reputation to your family and friends may be on the jeopardy line for  doing something wrong here.  Especially if that wrong was made intentionally.  I expect excellence standards in court representation.

  WARNING!   I MEAN WHAT I SAY, this is for all time human history [ my goal ] to be present and binding. 

You are a part of the instrumentalist beginning and your mark for this technology will be noted in the history books.  This is the way of the world philosophy that I will empower from outside of the United States of America should I lose this case.  I will change my United States Citizenry and carry forward my network creation. That is a real stated intention but is not a great sounding thing to come to realize. That is not a desired outcome for sure.  My goal for this technology is universal in all forms of language development.  I would just be empowering one more access of opportunity to build from scratch the code necessity for the Graphic User Interface that I envision and hold in my mind's eye. That would be a STRIKE MARK OF EMBARRASSMENT for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Would you not agree?

This technology tool is not rocket science to understand it.  It works without a user interface. It works as manually coded and manually conducted placement of materials on site.

It works to mark out, or up or down or in and out -- however you want to specify objects on the web without having to alter the content itself or have that content removed from the web.   Real World #Kramobone-The.Good Linkedin Profile Example is the inclusion of
inclusion to the collection of #Krambone-The.Good images for his LinkedIn profile for placement of this auto-redirect file

[TXT] LinkedIn-Profile.html  
without altering content at LinkedIn itself. It is the <title> coding </title> of that file that puts the match together for google.

It pops in and out of the images index because of factors that I am not sure about.  Some people may be messing around with my indexing options by counter-punching informational warfare.  I am strictly only using google as my source search engine target.  But the technology works to a degree if I kept a metadata collection history on record, it would stick.  That requires a coded control script which does not yet exist. It is on record with this image.  This image is not faked and shows a google.com addressing.  I don't need to prove it works to others -- just to know it works.

IN with the #Kramobone-The.Good in where I see you and have initially placed you.  For a particular purpose. .

In by mere chance, there is only one chance to hold my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY against this model of peace building attempt at creation.  f I can't merge through the hate and resistance, I will be successful outside of the United States.

I know I am smart and wise enough to find that resource after this failure of trial if that is the case.

The United States is doomed by it's Status Quo Special Interests that it will not release and I don't want to be here in that final end collapse for sure.

This binding presence can not be removed for it is a matter of record and a matter of fact --- it is the truth. What side of #Kramobone will you fall.  You can fall on The.Good or One.Bad or The.Bad and of course The.Ugly.  The purposes for The.Ugly shows something that should be researched.  The true despair of emotion by a whisper app memes search.  http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Ugly/

The #Kramobone is to insure accuracy and honesty / integrity to the  100% Real Up Human Truth to events being documented at real time TechnoREALism time and space. 

I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life.  None of those who are current members of #Kramobone-The.Good can hold that status and not be reprimanded for failing to hold this standard of excellence in consensual practices of lifestyle diversity living.  We have freedom and thought here that must be empowered to creation.  I have brought my legal case forward to challenge the notion there is anything of fairness when logic and good sound work design hits the shit of a fan mentality of lawyers.

This before they are challenged by duty to represent the truth in their court oath representations of their morality.  I expect a #KangarooCourt on twitter to the @FBI I have declared.  Please prove me the faith that the United States is worth saving of rational thinking.

#Only-Rational-Thinking [ meme search ]

Now Only Rational Thinking Can Save the World!


In Spoken Voice [🗣] Audio Formats    Male or Female

Coming Soon A YouTube Presentation Version similarly to

Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/Court-Authority-To-LEGALLY-ENABLE-Rights-For-Persons-With-Disabilities/#Jonathon.Arellano-Jackson/#E-Mails/RelatedMedia-[Video]

Icon Name                                                                                                                             Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [   ] 1080p - Words To Live By.mp4 13-Feb-2018 08:46 1.0G [   ] Know And Be Your True Self - Ch 5 - Becoming Truly Moral [ take 3 ].mp4 11-Feb-2018 04:17 47M

I would heed the warning and the wisdom guidance and drop any allegiance for any special interest you hold so dear.  They are about to crash in the Quickening.  We are entering the quickening.

This is a tool of creation of the Quickening.  This tool can be used -- the methods to which a school of order should process forward should be empowered to build peace building models forever.  Your mark in history will be noted in the records --- I warn you one last time do the right thing here.  I don't trust you that you will not not be a part of the ideals that will not allow this technology to be developed.

It already has its working-presence --- the hate and the harassment terminates --- and this #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP is the goal point fully of my case.

You are interface to a professor of adult consenting practices, sexuality is one arena to empower it force.  But it is applicable to all human life.  The Kramobone is a Solomon's knot of significance.  This is my first first fully formed digital writing out of a trust-binding in legal merit work address.  It must be respected.

Solomon's knot - Wikipedia


Multiple Solomon's knots in a mosaic in the Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)
Molecular Solomon's knot
Quadruple Solomon's knot

Since the knot has been used across a number of cultures and historical eras, it can be given a range of symbolic interpretations.

Because there is no visible beginning or ending, it may represent immortality and eternity—as does the more complicated Buddhist Endless Knot.

Because the knot seems to be two entwined figures, it is sometimes interpreted as a Lover's Knot, although that name may indicate another knot.

Because of religious connections, the knot is sometimes designated the all-faith symbol of faith, but, at the same time, it appears in many places as a valued secular symbol of prestige, importance, beauty.

Solomon's Knot appears on tombstones and mausoleums in Jewish graveyards and catacombs in many nations. In this context, Solomon's Knot is currently interpreted to symbolize eternity.

Some seek to connect it with Solomon by translating the Hebrew word peka'im (פקעים) found in the Bible at I Kings 6:18 and I Kings 7:24 as meaning "knobs" or "knots", and interpreting it to refer to Solomon's knot; however, the more accepted modern translation of this word is "gourd-shaped ornaments".

In Africa, Solomon's knot is found on glass beadwork, textiles, and carvings of the Yoruba people. When the knot appears in this culture, it often denotes royal status; thus, it is featured on crowns, tunics, and other ceremonial objects. Also in Africa, the Knot is found on Kasai velvet, the raffia woven cloth of the Kuba people. They attribute mystical meaning to it, as do the Akan People of West Africa who stamp it on their sacred Adinkra cloth. In the Adinkra symbol system, a version of Solomon's knot is the Kramo-bone symbol, interpreted as meaning "one being bad makes all appear to be bad".

In Latvia, when Solomon's knot is used on textiles and metal work, it is associated with time, motion, and the powers of ancient pagan gods.

In modern science, some versions of the conventionalized sign for an atom (electrons orbiting a nucleus) are variations of Solomon's knot. The logo of the Joomla software program is a Solomon's knot.


I am that one human being with a carry of 5 students that a school based creation was interrupted due to hate harassment and a #ConspiracyExposed -- I dare you to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the full truth and have your eyes open in wisdom wise knot guidance before we head to court with a defense posture. 

I will claim inadequacy in representation based of hypocrisy.  I give no one a mark out of this technology tool except for your proxy from the defense attorney;s office who was in for our court date today.  I forgot her business card. But she is also tied to this case and tied to this binding.  Whether her name is referenced in this writing or not. 

We will meet in real time space to discuss the other bindings that should go into this case.  That being the Mpatapo Peace Building Reconciliation binding knot.

We are equals if you would like to join my network of peace building.  There is no conflict of interest afterward.  I would enjoy having a lawyer on call to help me through the rest of the ordeal to grant my rights as persons with disability when I hold this technology forward.

People are scared of this technology when this technology uproots evil.

Are you evil?  We are not supposed to be calling each other evil according to Pope Francis.  I have twieets to @Pontifex under the account name of @gruwup,, I am very much real with my stated work mission and goal and perform references to incorporate a model of peace building tool of creation for new form of a relationship that holds a covenant kind of agreement without a pledge of allegiances.  It is a trust binding of honesty, integrity, as a former-notary myself, I am doing the work of notary for the world order of truth. 

How do you wish to proceed? I ask for you to come to my home for that discussion and that is what I ask for. 

If you fail to come to this home, it may alter your trust-quotient with this network and that would not be a good thing.  We are equals not of lifestyle but of access, opportunity, and of privileges.  I have no wealth but my mind's eye to know right and wrong and the tools of mememtics here in this network creations.


I cannot proceed without having my rights as persons with disabilities crafted as the foundation legally binding requirement here. 

Then we can establish the other binding knots that are represented against you..   A unity of four Adinkra from African Wisdom guidance.

@Gruwup : Great Reasons Us [ You There Jonathan Arellano Jackson, and I here James Martin Driskill ] Will Unite Peace

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